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Residential Treatment for Addiction Recovery

women with hands on shoulders in addiction recovery support group

Addiction residential treatment centers are a unique service for people who are struggling to face their addiction on their own. At Jackson House Recovery Centers, we offer residential treatment for addiction in San Diego to provide 24/7 support on your journey to recovery.

There are many advantages to utilizing residential treatment options rather than inpatient treatment options because of the established environment. In general, inpatient treatment is traumatizing for many patients (approximately 70% of patients who experience inpatient treatment report traumatic experiences). Because of the home-like environment at residential treatment centers, patients are able to relax and make advances in their mental health and substance abuse journeys.

The process of treating addiction can be long, with bumps along the way. A residential treatment center offers new and unique options for addiction recovery treatment.

What is Residential Treatment for Addiction?

We often think about addiction treatment options as either inpatient or outpatient treatment. Residential treatment offers a unique middle ground alternative between inpatient and outpatient care.

Addiction residential treatment provides a protected and secure environment for clients seeking mental health support and co-occurring addiction treatment. Because of the way this system is set up, it is cost-effective and helps relieve the burden of inpatient care in hospitals. More specifically, it is tailored to treat individual patients, allowing more significant strides towards recovery to be made.

In the case of residential treatment, patients live at the residential treatment center. The patient receives around-the-clock care and supervision in a homier and more welcoming environment than most inpatient treatment centers.

During the treatment, the patient is able to engage in normal day-to-day activities like meal planning, cooking, exercise, and other daily activities, while also participating in treatment sessions.

While staying at the residential treatment center, the patients participate in individual sessions (CBT, DBT, ACT, motivational interviewing, etc.) as well as group therapy with our trained staff. They also receive a psychiatric evaluation along with treatment.

The environment at our residential treatment center is extremely positive and warm. Patients have the chance to create a support system around them to help them through this journey. They participate in group therapy to help develop coping skills as well as help them with a smooth reintegration into the community around them. They are also taught classes on social skills, money management, vocational management, physical activity, and medication education.

The living conditions at JHRC are also exceptional with many important amenities:

  • Newly remodeled facilities with modern furnishings
  • Eight separate bedrooms (single rooms available)
  • Different men’s and women’s restrooms with showers and toilet stalls
  • ADA compliant facility
  • Modern kitchen for home cooking
  • Patio with seating
  • Four client computers with a printer
  • Televisions
  • Large, homey common areas

What is Inpatient Treatment?

Inpatient treatment has some similarities and some differences from residential treatment. In an inpatient environment, patients have the chance to receive physical and emotional support. At the same time, they go through the detox process and learn to cope without giving in to their addiction.

It is an intense form of treatment that offers 24-hour supervision, generally in a hospital setting. The road to long-term sobriety is long, but often inpatient treatment provides a place to start along this road.

Each situation is different, but a patient will generally move into a center like this for a specific number of days and go through a rigid detox and in-depth emotional counseling.

When is Residential Treatment the Right Option?

It is important to understand what is best for you and those you love when choosing a treatment option for substance use and addiction recovery.

Residential treatment is often a great option if you are looking to focus on successful reintegration into society and daily life. Because of the environment and focus at our residential treatment centers on completing daily life tasks, patients are set up for success when re-entering society. We also offer classes and discussions as part of our group therapy to help decrease relapse and give the tools for success.

Residential treatment is often most successful and beneficial for people who suffer from substance use and other forms of addiction. Our center allows for a safe and supervised place to detox. Without supervision, this can be a dangerous and scary time for many people.

It is also an excellent option for people who struggle with severe mental illnesses like bipolar disorder and depression. The environment, people, and positive atmosphere found at our residential treatment centers in San Diego may be the right addiction recovery option for you or someone you love.

Benefits of Residential Treatment

The benefits of receiving treatment like this are endless. This option’s uniqueness allows more people to succeed along their addiction recovery journey.

Smaller Facilities for More Individualized Care

The nature of small centers is that the patients can be treated as individuals rather than as a whole. The staff and professionals that help the patients work through this challenging time can build connections and trust that last a lifetime.

This connection enables patients to feel more comfortable with the space, the environment, and the people there.

The bonds established between patients are also encouraging. There is endless support between patients, especially as they go through group therapy together.

Family Sessions Before Returning Home

This rehabilitation time is difficult for everyone involved, and it is important to educate more than just the client. When a patient goes from inpatient care to home, it is often a shock for everyone. Through the residential treatment, the family can also meet together, gain education, and work through things together before making the transition home.

In most inpatient hospital stays, family issues or difficulties are often not addressed adequately because of time constraints or insurance approval issues. This can lead to problems for the family and the patient moving forwards.

At the residential treatment for addiction centers, we help families work through issues before transitioning home to help everything go smoothly and as simply as possible.

Insurance Benefits

In the past 30-40 years, moving patients from inpatient care to home in short time frames has been a popular treatment method. This was often the treatment method because insurance companies eliminated coverage for residential mental health treatment (or the halfway point between home and inpatient care).

In recent years, Parity Laws have returned coverage for residential mental health services and other services for substance use. These laws mean that clients don’t lose their fundamental rights that often occur in inpatient care. Things like having their belongings taken, no belts, no cell phones, no access to computers, and many others can’t happen.

Better Outcomes, Lower Cost, Increased Satisfaction

Compared to locked hospital care, residential treatment has improved function levels, improved self-esteem in clients, and improved treatment satisfaction. Along with that, there are also higher rates of symptom reduction. Meaning residential treatment offers excellent outcomes with happy clients.

Along with that, the cost of residential treatment compared to inpatient care is much more affordable. It offers a less expensive alternative to inpatient care and creates the ability to cost-effectively service clients’ true needs.

Finally, residential addiction treatment has yielded higher rates of satisfaction. These rates are often due to the warm, home-like environment rather than the environment found at most inpatient care hospitals. Clients also retain their fundamental rights and responsibilities within the residential treatment center, allowing them to understand how these rights and responsibilities impact their illness and recovery. Clients can also stay in residential treatment centers longer than most inpatient centers. This time allows clients to address mental health struggles adequately as well as address family struggles and how their family dynamic can influence their symptoms.

Moving Forward

For more information about residential treatment options in San Diego, or just in general, please give us a call. We would love to help answer your questions and help you understand the benefits of this form of treatment more thoroughly.

Residential treatment centers are a new and upcoming form of treatment for addiction and mental health that isn’t available in many cities. At Jackson House Recovery Centers, we believe it is the future of addiction recovery treatment and would love to help educate you on how it can benefit you and those you love.

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